

Upcoming articles
Stranded on Staffa - Scottish Islands Explorer, December 2024

Articles incorporated in 'Thirty Years of Adventures in Search of the Past: The Outer Hebrides'

Kinlochresort – Three Walks: Scottish Islands Explorer, July 2010
Storming Fortress Corodail: Scottish Islands Explorer, March 2013
A Walk in the Pairc, Scottish Islands Explorer, May 2020
A Shiant Gathering, Scottish Islands Explorer, October 2020
The Scarp Hostel, Scottish Islands Explorer, 2024
Hartavay - Thoughts under Easabhal, Scottish Islands Explorer, October 2022
Eilean Colm Cille of Lewis - Scottish Islands Explorer, February 2024

Articles incorporated in 'Thirty Years of Adventures in Search of the Past: Skye, Mull & the Small Isles' (2025)
Eilean Righ, The King's Isle, Scottish Islands Explorer, December 2022
Eilean Tighe of Rassay - Scottish Islands Explorer, October 2023
The Rock Light of Hyskeir - Scottish Islands Explorer, December 2023
The Islands of Gavin Maxwel Part 1: Soay, Scottish Islands Explorer, June 2024
The Islands of Gavin Maxwel Part 2: Eilean Ban, Scottish Islands Explorer, August 2024
The Islands of Gavin Maxwel Part 3: Isle Ornsay, Scottish Islands Explorer, October 2024

Articles incorporated in Beehive Dwellings of the Hebrides
Beehive Cells, Scottish Islands Explorer, March 2010
The Beehive Cells of Lewis & Harris, Scottish Islands Explorer, November 2013
A Trek through Morsgail and the Ardveg, Scottish Islands Explorer, November 2016
A Bothy of Poems, Uig News, November 2017
A Beehive Book, Scottish Islands Explorer, February 2021

Articles incorporated in 'Firth of Clyde to the Small Isles'
Overture: Island Madness
          Scottish Islands Explorer, March 2004
Chapter 4: Contemplating a drop into St Carmaig’s Cave
          Scottish Islands Explorer, January 2005
Chapter 6: Into the Whirlpool
          Scottish Islands Explorer, November 2003
Chapter 12: A Pilgrimage to Inchkenneth
          Scottish Islands Explorer, November 2005
Chapter 19: The Isle of St Kessog
          The Scots Magazine, April 2008
Chapter 20: The Green Isle of Loch Shiel
          Scottish Islands Explorer, September 2003
Chapter 21: The White Isle of Loch Morar
          The Scots Magazine, April 2010
Chapter 27: The Isle of the Noble Yew
          Scottish Islands Explorer, January 2007
Chapter 29: A Descent to the Cashel under the Cliffs
          Scottish Islands Explorer, January 2011
Articles incorporated in 'Skye & Tiree to the Outer Isles'
Chapter 9: The Blood of the Merry Dancers
          The Scots Magazine, March 2009
Chapter 12: Two Walks to Vallay
          Scottish Islands Explorer, September 2010
Chapter 13: The Sea-Gate & St Taran’s Cross
          Scottish Islands Explorer, July 2004
Chapter 17: The Island That Likes to be Visited
          Scottish Islands Explorer, July 2006
Chapters 21: A Night in Aird Bheg of the Haunted isles
          Back in the Day, August 2012
Chapter 22: A Night in Crolà and the Postman’s Stones
          Scottish Islands Explorer - in two parts - January & March 2012
Chapter 26: On the Seven Hunters
          Scottish Islands Explorer, July 2005
Chapter 27: In Search of a Princess
          The Scots Magazine, May 2005
Chapter 28: Inside Ronan’s Cell
          Scottish Islands Explorer, July 2003
Chapter 29: Return to Rona
          Scottish Islands Explorer, May 2012
Other Articles
On the Bass Rock: Scottish Islands Explorer, May 2006
Islands Beyond - Skellig Mhichael: Scottish Islands Explorer, September 2010
Island Holy Wells: Scottish Islands Explorer, July 2012
Remote Island Chapels: Scottish Islands Explorer, September 2012
Inchtavannaich of Loch Lomond: Scottish Islands Explorer, September 2013
Islands Beyond - Wizard Island: Scottish Islands Explorer, March 2015
Zuza: An Orkney Sampler: Scottish Islands Explorer, September 2015
A Short Flight, Scottish Islands Explorer, August 2020
The Isle of St Maelrubha, Scottish Islands Explorer, June 2022