
Sunday, February 24, 2013


One more photo of Kinresort before we move on. This was taken in 2010, two years before the previous photo. In 2010 I came in from Loch Morsgail, followed the Postman’s stones to Kinresort, and spent the night in CrolĂ  at the foot of Beinn Isobhal. (The full story of that hike is recounted in chapter 22 of book 2). The postman’s stones are said to have been placed by Malcolm Macaskill, who lived in Luachair, which is visible in the photo on the far side of the loch. Malcolm is said to have had a stash of whiskey near one of the stones in case some refreshment was needed.

So let’s return to Beinn Isobhal in 2012, the subject of the previous post. After breaking camp in the morning I headed north, as I was going to exit at Morsgail. I found the Postman’s stones and started following them. Halfway to Morsgail a flash of sunlight glinted off something near one of the stones.  I stopped, and saw the tip of a bottle sticking from the turf. I pulled it out and brushed the peat-mud off. It was a whisky bottle, no label, with just a trace of liquid in it. Although it had no label, the cap was readable: ”Robert Watson”, a brand I’d not heard of before.

Could this have been Malcolm's stash? Or just thoughtless litter? I’ve no idea. But someone had taken the effort to bury it next to one of the stones.  I thought about taking it with me as a souvenir, but instead, after noting the location so I could find it again, I shoved it back under the turf. Based on the cap, can anyone put a date on this bottle?

Whisky bottle and the Postman's Stone where it was buried

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