
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Atop Eriskay 2

This view indicator is mounted on the trig-pillar atop Beinn Scriathan, the highest point of Eriskay. The islet in the distance connected to Eriskay by a sandbar is Calbhaigh, It was near there that the SS Politician ran aground in 1941 with a full load of whisky.

View indicator on Beinn Sgiathan - 2012
A few weeks before the above photo was taken another view indicator made the news when someone stole the one on Colonsay's Beinn a' Gudairean. The heavy bronze marker had been there since the 1930s. The photo below was taken in 1993, and I'm not sure who the young fellow is, but he's sitting on the now-missing indicator. (I think he feels bad about sitting on it now.)
View indicator on Colonsay's Beinn a' Gudairean - 1993

1 comment:

  1. Wow that takes me back. We love the islands, hard call to say which one would be my fave, I think I would have to say Harris. You wrote from an interesting perspective. You might enjoy my last Island blog best wishes, Mark.
