
Friday, March 15, 2013

Millstones 2

One of the most remote mills is near Hamanavay on Lewis. It lies in the Allt Grunavat, and unless you can manage a boat ride to Loch Hamanavay, it's a long eight mile hike to get there. The track to Hamanavay starts above the Uig Sands, and you can drive it a short ways, but a locked gate means you have to continue on foot. It's a daunting track to follow, with lots of ups and downs. The photo below gives you an idea of just how twisty it is, as it zigzags to the crest of Bealach Roansagail.
Once the pass is conquered the track plummets 1000 feet to sea level, and then comes to an end at Hamanavay Lodge.
Even though you have now hiked seven miles, there's still one to go. You cross the footbridge over the Hamanavay River, and then follow the river east until you reach the Allt Grunavat.  From there start climbing the hillside to Loch Grunavat. You will find the mill halfway up.
Amazingly, the millstones are still there.
Now that you've seen the mill you can either make the long hike back to Uig or, as I did last summer, continue on into the deserted hinterland of South Lewis to camp on a hilltop high above Loch Reasort.

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