
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Inchkenneth 1

This photo from Book 1 is of Inchkenneth in Loch na Keal. The cloud-shrouded headland is Burg on the island of Mull. At its base lies the famous fossil tree. The low terrain that spans the horizon is the Ross of Mull leading out to Iona, and the bumpy terrain in the middle distance is the south tip of Inchkenneth known as The Humpies. I got lucky with this photo. I didn't notice the sea eagle soaring over Inchkenneth House until after I took the picture.

The next photo is a zoom-in on the previous one. To the far left you can see an old wall that may have been part of the monastery. To its right is the walled garden, and behind that the ruin of Inchkenneth Chapel stands in a small burial ground. Over the next few days we'll see some more of Inchkenneth. 

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