
Monday, April 8, 2013

Inchkenneth 5

Before we leave Inchkenneth we'll visit this rectangular patch of rubble near Inchkenneth House. It is all that's left of the home where Neil Macgillivary and his family lived. Neil was  boatman and island manager from the late 1940s through to 1968. His story is told in Timothy Neat’s When I was Young: Voices from Lost Communities in Scotland - The Islands. A photo of Neil, taken when he was seventeen in 1932, is on the cover of an early edition of the book. He also appears in Rosalind Jones' Tea with Chrissie

I was fortunate to have met Neil the day before going to Inchkenneth, and he shared some of his stories of living on the island (see Book 1, Chapter 12). Sadly, Neil passed away in 2010, and is buried in Kilfinichen cemetery on Mull.

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