
Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Road to Tamanavay

I walked the Burma Road to Tamanavay on the 2nd. To drive it you need a key to open its gate, and a high clearance 4x4 vehicle to traverse the rocky track, neither of which I have. I've travelled this road on foot several times over the last 10 years, but this was the first time I'd walked it in and out on the same day. But it was well worth the effort, for this seemingly endless road from hell leads to a heavenly assortment of hiking opportunities. On this walk I was in search of some old shielings and beehive cells that dot the terrain above Loch Tamanavay. It was a full day, as the round trip totaled about 16 miles.

The photo shows a section of the track that zig-zags alongside Loch Raonasgail before ascending 700 feet to the narrow gap of Bealach Raonasgail.

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