
Sunday, September 29, 2013


As you can see in the photo I was fortunate to have had good weather on the day I visited the Cairnaburgs. These two little islands are large in history, each having been fortified in the past to control the sea lanes west of Mull. The photo was taken on Cairn na Burgh Beg, the smaller of the two islets, looking over to Cairn na Burgh Mor. Sitting atop Cairn na Burgh Mor are its barracks and chapel, and in the far distance you can see Lunga. The little peak on the right side of Lunga is Dun Cruit, Harp Rock, home to a large colony of seabirds. Hundreds of people visit Lunga every year to see its Puffins, but only a handful ever set foot on the tiny Cairnaburgs. 

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