
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lighthouse Cruise 8 - Tobermory

From Canna we motored into the Sound of Mull past Rudha nan Gall lighthouse, and then tied up to the pontoon dock in Tobermory harbour. The weather was still wet, the sky grey and gloomy.

Also berthed at the dock was the catamaran Gemini. I'd been to many an island on her back when Mike Murray was the owner (see book 1, chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10). These days she's in different hands.

Tob was full of tourists, so I escaped them by climbing up to the Western Isles Hotel where I enjoyed a solitary pint on their deserted patio overlooking the harbour.

Our cruise was, sadly, almost over. We spent the night in a calm anchorage off Ardtornish Point, and then motored into a busy Oban Harbour the following morning. By the way, you can read John Humphries' account of our trip at this link.

I will be sailing again with Northern Light next year, that's an easy decision. The hard part is to decide which of their many cruises to take.  This link will take you to their Halmar Bjorge cruises, and this one will show you their Zuza sailing cruises. If you want to experience the islands, I can suggest no better way than taking a cruise with Northern Lights.


  1. Hi Marc Did you know that those lighthouse cottages outside Tobermory were for sale? Very reasonable price but then you realise that there is no road to them....

    1. I did not know they were for sale, but they are still too close to civilization for me. I wonder if the ones on the Flannans might be for sale...
