
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wet Camera

Last month I was hiking in Glen Uisinis on the north east side of South Uist. The weather was miserable with a steady drizzle and a low fog shrouding the hilltops. I visited the three souterrains marked on the OS map. But they were disappointing to see as they were encased in a dense covering of soggy heather and tall bracken. It was still a good hike as I found a great viewpoint looking over Loch Corodale. And the walk ended on another good note when I came across the Uisinish bothy.

The bothy was a welcome sight. I was soaking wet, as was my camera. The effects of which you can see in this photo of the bothy. Many of my photos from that day have that blurry look because I only noticed the wet lens after going into the bothy to dry off.

The bothy looked a great place to spend the night, and I would have done that except a cozy bunk awaited on the Halmar Bjorge, which was anchored two miles away in Uisinis Bay (last photo). 

A Wet Lens view of Uisinis Bothy
Inside the bothy

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