
Monday, December 9, 2013

Island Inverie

Although it is on the mainland, due to it's sometimes sheltered location, and well known pub, a visit to Inverie is often on the agenda of a Hebridean cruise. There is no road access to Inverie, so it is almost an island. The only way there is by boat, or via a long hike, as shown in the the mileage markers in the first photo.

Last time I was there I set out to visit the Madonna statue that lies on the coast a mile and a half west of the village. The statue is made of fiberglass, and was put there by Sir Oliver Crosthwaite-Eyre, who once owned the estate. The only photos I had of her were taken from the sea (next photo), and I wanted to get a good close up photo.

But that mile an a half is as the gannet flys. For someone walking it is more like three miles, as you have to round the west end of a boggy lagoon (next photo). That slowed my progress to a crawl, and due to limited time I had to turn back.

Although I did not make it to the Madonna, I did find these two beautiful little statues on the shore below Inverie House. Does anyone know the story behind them?

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