
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gemini - 3

Another island journey I took on Gemini was to Dun Chonnuill and Garbh Eileach of the Garvellachs. Dun Chonnuill is a great lump of rock, and atop it once stood 'the great castle of Dunquhonle'. Garbh Eileach, the largest of the Garvellachs, is home to Cladh Dhubhan, a burial ground said to have used by the royal house of Dalriada. But the bracken was so thick that I could not find the burial ground. See book 1, chapter 9, for a description of the visit to Dun Connel and Garbh Eileach.

Dun Chonnuill
Gemini off the south end of Dun Chonnuill
Looking down to Garbh Eileach House

Garbh Eileach - a bracken jungle only passable by following deer trails
Ruined croft house - Garbh Eileach
Stone enclosure next to Garbh Eileach House
Garbh Eileach House - House sign above the front door
Close up of worn house sign

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