
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jura Campsite

In book 1 (chapter 6) there's a description of a three-day camping trip on the north end of Jura. Here are a few photos from that trip. The first three were taken on July 7, 2005. On the morning of that day I had climbed to a high point to get a phone connection, and when I talked to my wife back in Seattle she told me what had happened in London that morning.

The first photo shows the pillared cairn atop Aird Bhreacain. It was a great viewpoint over Bagh Gleann nam Muc to the north, and Glen Trosdale to the south. I sat on the cairn comfortably for over an hour, as the pillar made a natural backrest. There are a lot of 'Breacan" place names here; Aird Bhreacain means the high ground of Breacan; on the shore below lies Uamh Bhreacain, Breacan's Cave; and just offshore swirls the whirlpool of Coire Bhreacain. 

Pillared Cairn atop Aird Bhreacain
The next photo was also taken atop Aird Bhreacain, and is a close up of the shore of Bagh Gleann nam Muc, the bay of Pig Glen. If you look closely you can see the tent. 

Campsite on the shore of Bagh Gleann nam Muc
From my seat atop Aird Bhreacain I watched as a herd of deer grazed down in Glen Trosdale. Once they caught sight of me they ran away.

Deer watching me from Glen Trosdale
Back down in camp I started a fire and made dinner. It was a great campsite, made all the better as I did not see another soul during the three days.

Campsite at Bagh Gleann nam Muc 

Once the fire got going it was time to warm cold toes and enjoy a dram.
Warming cold toes - Fireside at Bagh Gleann nam Muc 
The next morning I awoke to the beautiful sight of sea-fog floating over a quiet Corryvreakan.

Early morning at Bagh Gleann nam Muc - Scarba in the distance
A few hours later the boat Gemini motored into the bay to pick me up, and all too soon I was on my way back to Crinan.

Gemini arrives - time to leave Jura

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