
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gateways to Paradise - 2

Last time I described the two gateways to a hiker's paradise on Lewis; the front door entrance via Morsgail, and the back door track to Hamanavay. There are two other gateways to this incredible countryside that need to be mentioned. The first is the track to Loch Bhoisimid that begins at the head of Loch Miavaig. Along the way you can make a slight detour to see the Miavaig beehive cells, and then spend some time in an eagle hide. From the end of the track you can wander to your heart's content; possibly north across the trackless bogs to Kinresort, or east to follow the path to Bogha Glas.

Start of the track to Bhoisimid
The  second gateway is on the track that leaves the main highway at Bogha Glas, on the Lewis/Harris border. This is a serious path, with some significant ups and downs, and at the summit of the climb you will be rewarded with an amazing view over Loch Langabhat and the vast, uninhabited interior of Lewis and Harris. For a day-trip to remember, carry on to Kinresort, then head south to Loch Bhoisimid to exit via the track to Miavaig.

Start of the track at Bogha Glas - the Gaelic on the sign says 'Walkers Welcome'

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