
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

More Scenes from Boreray - 3 - Then and Now

Here's a Then and Now scene from Boreray. It is of the settlement next to the Monk's Field. I have not been able to find it's name, but on the RCAHMS website it's listed under An Corran, which is the place name of the sand-bar that juts out into the sound just to the east of it. The first photo was taken by Erskine Beveridge in 1904. The second one I took in 2010. Other than the outer walls there's not much left of the village. The 16 crofters who lived here asked to be evacuated, a request that was granted in 1923.

Boreray village at An Corran - 1904 (Photo: Erskine Beveridge)
Boreray village at An Corran - 2010

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