
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Eabhal Views

Eabhal is a landmark visible from most of North Uist. Seeing it is easy, climbing it is not so easy. At 1138 feet, the difficulty is not its height. The difficulty is getting to the base of the mountain, as it lies some three miles from the nearest road.  But the long walk in is worth it, for as you climb the mountain the vast, loch-spattered interior of North Uist slowly comes into view. Here are some photos of that view. 

The first is looking to the northwest over Loch Obasaraigh.

Looking northwest from the slopes of Eabhal

The second view is looking north to Burabhal (aka Little Eabhal). The hill beyond it is Li a'Deas (South Lee). South Lee is another hard to reach island hill, requiring a long walk over tough terrain. It, too, is a walk worth taking; especially as along the way you will see the amazing causewayed duns of Loch Hunder (last photo). 
Looking north from the slopes of Eabhal
The causewayed duns of Loch Hunder


  1. David & Margaret GartsideSeptember 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    Thanks Marc. We have seen causeway duns before but were completely unaware of this hidden collection. Makes you think of a lost and ancient way of life in such a remote (by modern priorities) place. Greatly enjoying your pieces, thanks.

    1. I learned about this fantastic set of duns in Chapter 6 of Erskine Beveridge's book "North Uist', which has a wealth of info on (and photos of) nearly 100 of these amazing structures.
