
Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Green Ray - Sight Unseen

I have seen many ocean sunsets; always hoping to see the Green Ray. But I have yet to see it. One attempt was from beautiful Halaman Bay on the west of Barra. It was a wonderful sunset, but no ray appeared. The last photo is, of course, doctored. Someday I hope to see the real thing.



  1. David & Margaret GartsideOctober 1, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    We have seen the green ray just once, about 2 years ago from a flight to Spain. A vivid green streak along the horizon, coincidental with the very last of the sun. Only lasts a couple of seconds, but very memorable

  2. I had always understood it just to be a brief flash of green - indeed I call it "the green flash" - rather than a "ray". As for whether, I've seen, I think I may have done (just a little blink of green replacing the last red/orange of the sun), but I'm never sure if my eye is inventing what I'm looking for. It's like when you're at sea at night looking for a lighthouse and you can "see" flashes all along the horizon. Great blog BTW - keep it coming.
