
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bilascleitear Mission Hall - "Dune Chapel"

Standing atop the cliffs, five-hundred feet southeast of Dune Tower, is the ruin of a small mission hall. It was built for John Nicolson at the same time as Dune Tower (1920s), and when I saw it in 1998 the hall was in better shape than the house. Perhaps the hall was better constructed, or perhaps its site, below a small rise that separates it from the house, is not subject to as intense winds in the winter.

I've only seen one photo of the interior of mission hall taken when it was in use. It was a sadly worn black and white snapshot, that I'd guess was taken in the 1960s. It was shown to me by a woman who attended my book launch in Stornoway in June of 2012. I was so overwhelmed by what was going on that evening that I did not think to ask her name, or if I could make a copy of the photo. If anyone out there has a photo of the mission hall from back when it was used I would love to see it.

See this RCAHMS page for more information and photos of the Bilascleitear mission hall.

The mission hall from the north
West gable
East gable, door and fireplace
Looking east over the Minch

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