
Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Ringing Stone - Tiree

Located on the north shore of Tiree, a half-kilometer north of Loch na Gile, is an amazing boulder. Its Gaelic name is Clach na Choire. It has several English names: the Kettle Stone, the Cauldron Stone, the Singing Stone, the Ringing Stone and the Gong Stone. There are other Lithophonic stones in Scotland; one is on Iona (but I do not know where), and another is near Burn o'Vat

The Ringing Stone is unlike any other rock on Tiree, and it is thought that it was moved from Rum by glacial action. The stone is covered by dozens of cup marks, and I wonder if the cups affect the pitch of the ring - perhaps a way to make different notes depending on where you strike the stone. Next time I'm on Tiree I'll have to test this theory.

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