
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

St Donnan's - Eigg

It seems so long ago, but it's been only seven years since my wife and I spent a week on Eigg. Our cottage, Top House, was in Cleadale, and just below it was the church of St Donnan. The church is still in use, but unfortunately there was no Mass the week we were there. However the church remains open at all times, and so we were able to go in. 

St Donnan's at Cleadale - Laig Bay (left) and Rum (right)
Standing next to the church is the sadly dilapidated rectory. Most of its windows are missing, its floors have collapsed, and hundreds of birds nest inside. 

The derelict rectory and church of St Donnan's (Cleadale)
As described on this Buildings at Risk page the rectory's fate is probably to be demolished, as it is too far gone to be saved.  See this RCAHMS page of more on St Donnan's Church.

Inside St Donnan's


  1. The chapel house has now been demolished.

    1. I noticed that it was missing during a visit in 2017. See this post:
