
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wanderings on Sanday - Dun Beg

I love the old sailing journals that recount adventures in the Hebrides in the late 1800s and early 1900s. One of my favourites is Log of the Blue Dragon by CC Lynam (1908). It is illustrated with photographs and drawings of various locations in the Hebrides, and among them is this drawing of Dun Beg, a tall sea-stack off the island of Sanday (near Canna).

Drawing of Dun Beg from Log of the Blue Dragon (1908)
Athough I'd been to Canna numerous times, I'd never had the time to walk out to see Dun Beg; for to get there requires a six-mile round trip walk from Canna Pier. But last month I was able to get there by a much shorter route. I was on the ship Halmar Bjorge, anchored in Canna Harbour, when the skipper, Tim Wear, offered to run me across in the RIB to Sanday. From there it was only a mile to Dun Beg. Here are a few photos of Dun Beg and its sister stack Dun Mor.

Dun Beg - 1
Dun Beg - 2
Dun Beg - 3
Dun Mor
Dun Beg from the sea

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