
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

An Erraid Warning - Close the Gate or Pay Up

The first two photos show the 'main street' that runs in front of the old lightkeeper's houses on Erraid; houses now occupied by the Erraid community of the Findhorn Foundation. I took these photos during my first visit to Erraid, which was on a grey day in 2007. When the lighthouse board constructed the dwellings they wanted to insure that no sheep wandered in to cause a mess on main street. So they fabricated, out of iron, the sign you can see on the gate. It was a serious sign that threatened a 40 shilling penalty if you left the gate open. Quite a lot of money back then.

On my second visit, a brilliant sunny day in 2010, I was disappointed to see that the sign had gone missing. The gate where it was can be seen to the lower right of this photo of one of the houses and its beautiful garden. I hope the sign was put somewhere for safe-keeping, but I'm guessing it was stolen. 

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