
Saturday, July 8, 2017

NEW - 2018 Guided Cruise

The itinerary has now been set for the June 2018 guided cruise on Hjalmar Bjorge. Our voyage will focus on islands to the south and west of Oban, including the Isles of the Sea. And if conditions permit, we'll head as far south as Càra. For more information see the 2018 Guided Cruise tab. To book see the Northern Lights website.

PS: I will be offline for a few weeks. It's back to the isles for some extended hiking on Lewis to Kinlochresort, Ardmore, Ardveg, and Fidigidh. I also hope to visit some of the lost villages on the south coast of Pairc; such as Bhalamus, Thinngartsaidh, and the infamous Bàgh Ciarach.

Monastic ruins on Eileach an Naoimh of the Garvellachs (The Isles of the Sea)


  1. Hi Marc

    Looks like this year's Hjalmar Bjorge cruise went well - Clare and I have booked for next year's. Looking forward to exploring some of the islands closer to our second home on Seil.

    P.S. Blog entertaining and informative as always !

    Cheers, Nigel

    1. Hi Nigel,
      That's great. I look forward to sailing with you and Clare again.
