
Monday, January 22, 2018

Eva Alaire Calhoun (1927-2018)

Today my mother, Eva Alaire (Sneed) Calhoun, lost her year-long battle with cancer. Among many things, she instilled in me a love of family, and family history. Without her extensive research into our family history in the 1970s and 80s, I would have never known of my Scottish roots. Neither would I have made my first trip to Scotland in 1989, when my wife and I, accompanied by my parents, spent a few weeks there. It was during that trip that I first set foot on some of the Isles of the West, including Mull and Iona. 

Mom on Main Street - Iona
Mom was not able to travel in recent years, and so when I was in Scotland I would always climb to the top of an island, turn on the mobile phone, and hope to get a signal so I could call her. On those times when I could get through, she would be delighted to hear from me as I described the scenery, and what I was up to. I will miss her.

Mom on the machair - Iona

Mom and Dad in 1955

1 comment:

  1. David & Margaret Gartside, UK.January 23, 2018 at 11:28 PM

    Good morning Marc. As we grow older we all gain a deeper appreciation of the the generations who have gone before. Our condolences and best wishes to you.
