
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Midge Master

My encounters with midges over the years has finally paid off. I am launching The Midge-Master, soon to be on the top-ten list of essentials for all island baggers. It is a midge hat with five hi-speed fans that keep the bugs at bay. It's great fun to wear, especially if you are camping with others. You can watch as its hi-efficiency fans blow hordes of bloodthirsty midges over to your friends. Watch as they squirm and swat, while you sit comfortably enjoying a dram. What better way to spend a night under the stars!

As an added bonus, on windy days when the bugs are not a problem, the Midge-Master can be used as a generator to charge the fans and your smart phone. No longer will you have to fret about being off-grid. You'll be able to watch your favourite cat videos anywhere, from Mingulay to Rona. I well remember long nights camped on the far shores of Loch Reasort; the only sounds the gentle lapping of surf, the pitter-patter of rain on the tent, barking red deer, and drumming snipe. It was driving me crazy—oh how I longed for a fully-charged phone to catch up on the latest celebrity news. With the Midge-Master I'll never have to suffer such agonizing deprivation again—and neither will you. Details on how to purchase coming soon. 

Field testing The Midge-Master in Glen Corodale
Note the Tesco Brandy - when only the best will do!
Even though I've defeated the mighty midge, I will not be resting on my laurels. Under development is the next evolution in insect defense. After the midge, the fiercest foe of the besieged island bagger is the cleg: those big, fat, blood lapping devils, whose bite lingers long after that of the lowly midge. What's in development is the Cleg-Cap. Only one obstacle remains before it will be available to the public. I am having a bit of a problem keeping the Venus Fly-Traps attached to the cap from biting the wearer. On the plus-side they do keep down the dandruff. But no problem is insurmountable. A breakthrough is imminent, and some much needed relief will soon be on the way for bug-bothered island-baggers everywhere.


  1. I’d like to commission a device to keep the tics off my pets. That way I can really enjoy being midge-free and not worry about my tic-ingested companions.

    1. I will start working on that right away. Should have something by next April 1.

  2. Could I suggest the use of Sundew as an alternative to Venus Fly traps since Scotland has a record of problems with invasive American species e.g. grey squirrels and orange faced golfers 🤫.

    1. Great Suggestion. As for the dreaded OFG, a cure may be coming this November.

  3. I would like to reserve 2 weeks timeshare on Hirta, please. The second two weeks of January. Easy access, pleasant breezy climate, great company of kindred spirits. No midges, so brilliant Midge-Master will not be needed. Easy excursions to nearby Stacs, Boreray, Soay and , especially, Lovely Levenish. A dip in the warm ocean before dinner. In fact, put us down for another fortnight in early December too. Thanks for this brilliant initiative. Can't wait ! David & Margaret Gartside

    1. Your're reservations are confirmed. For booking so early you qualify for a free ride on the Boreray Zip-Line.
