
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ord House - Skye

This is Ord House on the west side of the Sleat Peninsula of Skye. My wife and I stayed here in the spring of 1992 when it was being run as a guest house. It was made famous in Alexander Smith's A Summer in Skye, and Alasdair Alpin MacGregor also mentions staying here in one of his books. Last I heard it was no longer offering B&B and had been put up for sale. Next to the house is the site of Teampull Choan (St Congan's Church).  I searched the area for a while, but could not find any trace of it. Congan was the brother of St Kentigerna of Inchcailloch in Loch Lomond, and another place dedicated to him is Kilchoan, where the RO/RO ferry to Tobermory runs.

Inside Ord House - my wife Shawna and an Ord kitty

1 comment:

  1. I spent a week at Ord House in 1962, and my memories of the holiday are published in my blog for March 2014. www,joemasonspage.wordpress,com
