
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Aird Bheag

It seems so long ago, just a few months before 9/11, that I hiked in to spend the night in Aird Bheag, the true back of beyond of the Hebrides. (See chapter 21 of book 2.) I am looking forward to returning there next month with the Islands Book Trust. They have arranged a visit to remote Aird Bheag in conjunction with the launch of An Trusadh - Memories of Crofting in the Ardveg, by John MacDonald.

There was only space for one photo in the story of my night in Aird Bheag, so here's an assortment of other photos from 2001.

Aird Bheag viewed from the slopes of Mullach na Aird Bheag
Inside one of the ruins
The Walled Garden
The track from the settlement down to Loch Hamanavay
A campsite to remember
A soggy, but happy camper
The way in, and the way out: The Burma Road to Hamanavay climbs to the fog shrouded pass of Bealach Raonasgail

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