
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cave View - 9

This cave view is from Tunnel Cave on the northwest tip of Hirta (St Kilda). A natural ledge drops down the cliff face giving access to the cave. Except for the final 50 feet it is an easy decent. But the last bit is a steep, slimy slab of rock. When I first visited the cave in 1999 someone had strung a thick rope along the rocks to ease the way (see 3rd photo). On my second visit, in 2007, I was anxious to show the cave to a friend, and expected the rope to be there. It wasn't. But we still managed to creep safely down to sea level to get into the cave. 

Looking out the west end of the cave
Looking towards Glen Bay from the ledge down to the cave
The rope that was there in 1999
Looking towards Boreray from the east end of the cave

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