
Monday, November 25, 2013

St Finnan's View to Eigg and Rum

Here are two photos taken from the top of Beinn Breac, on the east side of Ardnamurchan. The first shows the view looking to the northwest; Rum is in the far distance, and in front of it you can see Eigg. From this elevation, around 1000 feet, the notch of the notched isle (Eigg) can be seen. The second photo shows the view looking northeast towards Invermoidart. 

I climbed Beinn Breac for two reasons. The first was that it is known as St Finnan's seat, where he rested on his walk to Loch Shiel after coming to Scotland, and I wanted to see the view he had. And quite an amazing view it is. The second reason was that somewhere near Beinn Breac there are inauguration-footprints carved in stone, similar to the one on Dunadd. But I could not find them.

Looking towards Eigg and Rum
Looking northeast from Beinn Breac

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