
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mingulay - The Cliffs

Here are some views of the Mingulay cliffs seen from the sea. Twice now I have had the privilege of being on a boat as it threaded its way between the stacks and through the caves. Both times were aboard the boat Boy James, operated by Donald Macleod. Watching Donald pilot the ship through the narrow channels and into the caves is something you will always remember. On my second trip I saw something unexpected: several dozen climbers descending the cliffs, which you can see in a few of the photos. The last photo shows the inner sanctum of the cliffs, the spot I believe inspired Neil Munro's 'Long Gallery', where the climax of his novel The Children of Tempest took place (see Book 2, chapter 9).

Note the climbers in red

I don't think she was expecting an audience
Climbers starting down the cliffs
Under the cliffs and into the caves

In the Long Gallery - Is this where Col of Corodale drowned?

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