
Friday, November 8, 2013

Mingulay - The Village

After St Kilda, Mingulay is probably the most desired deserted island destination in Scotland. Although I prefer Mingulay, as it has been allowed to age gracefully. To me Kilda village looks like an old movie star who has had too much plastic surgery: the fixed-up houses and the blight of the military buildings giving it an artificial look. That said, the island is still an amazing place.

There are many reasons Mingulay attracts: The story of how the people lived here until the island was abandoned; the village ruins gradually being buried in drifting sand; the story of Big Kenneth MacPhee being stranded after finding all the people dead. And then there are the puffins and the cliffs. Seen from above, the cliffs are astounding, and even more so when seen from below on a boat threading its way through the stacks and sea caves. We will visit those cliffs and caves next time, below are some views of the sand-engulfed village.

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