
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapel at Rubh' an Teampaill

An easy, but very rewarding hike on Harris, is the two-mile stroll from Taobh Tuath (Northton) out to the medieval chapel Teampall na h-Uidhe, on the south side of Gob na Tobha (Toe head).

The chapel was built on the site of a broch, a stone fort about 50 feet in diameter, and many of the fort's stones were used to build the chapel. Bill Lawson describes, on page 27 of his book 'Harris in History an Legend', how the fort was one of several that could relay a warning along the coast of the Long Isle.

Below are some photos of a walk to the chapel in 2010. 

Uidhe Chapel - Pabbay in the distance (left), Shillay to the right

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