
Thursday, January 16, 2014

MV Chalice

I have only sailed once on MV Chalice. She was the ship that Northern Light Charters started operating with in 1995 (see this link).  Something I did not know when I sailed on her in 2006 was that her hull was concrete, or more correctly "ferocrete'. I first saw her in 2002 during a trip on MV Poplar Diver to North Rona. I vividly recall that event. Our paths crossed at a point in the Minch, and I saw the skipper (and owner) of Chalice, Mark Henrys, standing high atop the Chalice wheelhouse on the lookout for a minke whale as the ship rolled in the  heavy sea.

Four years later, in 2006, I booked myself on a Chalice cruise with skipper Chris Jackson. Below are a few photos from that trip. I last saw Chalice in 2008 when she was sold off. The 'Chalice Experience' attracted many followers, and there was much disappointment when she was sold. Every evening on a Chalice trip the skipper would recap the day's events, and the course that had been sailed, on a large nautical chart of the Hebrides. You can see an example of this in photo 6 where the course of the cruise is marked in red on the chart (British Isles , Scotland West Coast, Number 2635).  Good memories.

In fact, when I left the boat in Oban after that cruise in 2006, I went into Nancy Black chandlers in Oban and bought chart 2635. I rolled it up and hand carried it to the airport, where I carefully stowed it in the overhead bin of the 747 that took me home from the UK. Once home I had the chart framed and covered with a clear plastic sheet just as they'd done on Chalice, where I can write on it using dry-erase markers. I've used that chart to plan every Hebridean trip I've made since then, and I also used it to lay out the chapter sequences in the two books.

Chalice anchored at the Shiants - 2006
Chalice anchored in Ardtornish Bay - 2006
Ardtornish Castle - visited on Chalice cruise in 2006
The only window seat  - Ardtornish Castle
A regular on Chalice, and my room mate in 2006 - magician Archie Smith at Ardtornish
Nautical chart 2635 of the Hebrides showing the route of the cruise
Chalice motoring into Oban - 2008
Skipper Chris Jackson on Chalice the last time I saw her in 2008 
On Chalice in 2006 - taken by Chris Jackson

UPDATE OCTOBER 23, 2021: In October of 2020 Chris Hillman spotted Chalice moored near Dartmouth, 400 miles from where I last saw her in Oban. She looks a bit neglected, but it's good to see she's still afloat. (Photo courtesy of Chris Hillman.)

UPDATE MARCH 18, 2022: I was recently sent this photo of Chalice under restoration. It's good to see her getting some much-needed love.


  1. Who are the new owners of chalice i would love to charter once again

    1. Sorry, but I do not know who owns Chalice these days, and she does not show up on a search of the Marine traffic AIS website.

    2. I understand that Chalice is now moored on the south coast of England and is used as a static bed-and-breakfast business

    3. I have just come across your blog - doesnt Chalice look good in your pics! My partner Phil now has her and is currently renovating her. She's starting to look great again! Do get in touch if you'd like to see her. She's currently in Dartmouth.

    4. Thanks for letting me know she'll have a new life. I would greatly appreciate a photo of her once restored that I could put on the blog.

    5. I just came across your blog and it's great to pictures of the old boat. It's equally great to learn the Chalice has found a new home in Dartmouth with owners looking to fix her up. I worked aboard the Chalice as my first job out of school in the '80s and have many fond memories of exploring the Cornish, Southern Irish and Sark coastlines.

  2. i had two holidays on the chalice .. 1984 and 1987 .. both to the channel isles ..sailed from falmouth .. skipper was Keith Roberts .. i also often wonder what where she is now and of course keith .. i would like to see her again ... steve

  3. Someone commented that Chalice is now a floating B&B in the south of England, but I have not been able to find the location.

  4. i think i spotted Chalice lying up the River Dart, near the Royal Naval College last October. Looking a bit the worse for wear, not obviously in use. i took a pic if i knew how to post it here...

    1. Please send the photo to me at the following address and I will add it to the post - thanks

  5. thats interesting that chris hillman may have spotted her on the river dart .. shame he has not sent the photo !

    1. He did send a photo, but I forgot to post it. I have updated the post to include it.

  6. thanks marc ... as you say .. a bit neglected, but she's still afloat and the photo brought back very warming memories of my dive holidays in 1985 .. any chance you know anything about original Keith Roberts .. thanks again

    1. Sorry Steve, but I have no info on Mr. Roberts. Thanks again for the photo.

  7. hello marc. I have just found an online a vintage advert for the sale of the chalice. £125,000 in 2012. in Dartmouth
    here is the link;
    still do not know if the chalice is still there though. Thanks for the blog. steve

  8. I was the cook/crew on MV Chalice 1982 -1985 with Keith Roberts as Skipper operating dive holidays from Falmouth around the Cornish coast, to Scilly and the Channel Isles. I was on the birdwatching trip where the Stormy Petrel was spotted. Absolutely fantastic times! Keith is sadly no longer with us, he passed away not long after I left.

  9. My friends and I were on MV Chalice in 1990 (if I remember rightly) on a diving holiday
