
Monday, April 21, 2014

Pabay Mor - 2

At the north end of Pabay Mor a narrow channel, Kyles Pabay Beg, divides Pabay Mor from the tiny island of Pabay Beg. Branching off from the Kyles is a tidal lagoon once used as a lobster holding tank; lobsters caught in creels at sea were held here until the market price in England merited shipping them south. A small secondary holding pond can be seen at the upper left of the first photo. The construction date is unknown, but a similar pond in Loch Risay, on nearby Bernera, was built around 1860, and is thought to have been one of the first of its type.

The lobster ponds
Looking north towards the Kyles and Pabay Beg

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