
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pabay Mor - 3

After visiting the arch and the lobster ponds I made my way to the south end of Pabay Mor. (As with most day trips to the island, we were dropped at the north end, and picked up near the village ruins at the south end.)

After reaching the south end of Pabay Mor I spent some time in Briomanish, the island's only village, which was once home to Clann Thormaid, a branch of the Macleods. These Macleods were often at odds with the Macauleys of Lewis, and they had quite a bloody feud - which you can read about in Massacre of the Macauleys by the Macleods of Pabbay in Donald MacDonald's book Tales and Traditions of the Lews. As you can see in the photos, the current owner of Pabay has fixed up a few of the old blackhouses.

Pabay Village
Some of the Pabay houses that have been fixed up
Looking over Pabay village to mainland Lewis

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